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If you are looking for knit or woven fabric, some people know this is a pretty basic part of fabric.
If you're new to the industry a lot of people don't know the difference between a knit or woven, but it is going to determine everything.
It's going to determine what fabric mill. you go to what fabric vendors, most fabric mills specialize in one or the other. So you're really going to want to know am I looking for a knit or a woven. And that's going to help you head down the right path. It is because that if you could be barking up the wrong tree and wasting your time and the vendors time, if you aren't in the right category.
So what is the difference between a knit and a woven?
In most cases, not a hundred percent, if it stretches is a knit. If it's a woven. It will not stretch again in most cases. So for instance men's dress shirts, if you grab the fabric and youtug at it. it doesn't stretch it. It is really taut right so that is a woven a T-shirt like. Let's say a base layer Under t-shirt, if you grab that it stretches so that's a knit. So that is you know very basic way to tell the difference of what you're looking for and what is most appropriate for your garment. Woven's are generally dressier fabrics. They're really good for outerwear. ski jackets or things like that. In general, knit in general for more casual and more active wear. So big t-shirts and leggings and things like that. And then, below here we've got a diagram of just what makes the difference between the fabrics. It shows how they're mechanically gather, so this one on the left is a woven. It's just like you know if you ever were in grade school and you did like a basket weave with construction paper. That's exactly how woven fabrics go together.
It's you know fibers going Uper way and then fbers going another way, and they get you know they go up and down in each other the knit fabric. There's a serious loops chained together like this picture which allows it to stretch.